Blog #7: Annie Leibovitz Movie Analysis
1. What is your favorite photo of Annie Leibovitz? Why?
This photo is for the movie Les Miserables. I like this photo in particular because it gives a feeling of unstartling reality and there is no falseness in it.
2. How would you describe Leibovitz's style of photography? How does she create visual narratives?
I would describe her style of photography to be reality captured to reveal its beauty and rawness underneath. Her manipulation of objects and light gives a persception of reality and brings a focus to the child's striking blue eyes.
3. What was your favorite part of the movie?
I loved the part where they focus of her life before photography, especially about the relationships she had with the couple and Anna. It humanizes her and makes me feel more closer to Annie when I find something relatable to her.
4. What did you learn about portrait photography from the video that you could apply to your own people/portrait photography?
I can distort light to give photos a more holy and glowing feel.